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Amie Rule
1 day ago6 min read
Exploring the Conflicting Views of Freedom of Choice in Medical Decision Making and the Role of Integrative Therapies.
The use of integrative therapies in medical decision making. Are we forgetting our human right to make medical choices?
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Amie Rule
Jan 175 min read
The Gender Pain Gap - Why is it that women continue to be discriminated against even in this era?
Chronic pain statistics continue to be on the rise, yet women continue to be discriminated against? What can you do about this?
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Amie Rule
Nov 30, 20245 min read
Embracing the Imperfect Self: Navigating the Path to Self-acceptance and Self-love.
Learning how to embrace imperfections of chronic pain, autoimmune and chronic fatigue to lead to a greater path of self acceptance.
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Amie Richards
Nov 21, 20243 min read
"I thought I was going crazy". How chronic pain impacts the functioning of the brain and its link to mood disorders and behaviour.
Statistics reveal that approximately 1 in 5 Australian adults with chronic pain also experience depression and other mood disorders,...
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Amie Richards
Jun 6, 20227 min read
Navigating the dating world at 40, internet dating sites, how the universe tests likes to test you!
This blog covers how I navigated the dating world at 39 years of age, with two young kids in tow. It also goes into detail about the...
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Amie Rule
Aug 13, 20215 min read
When all you want to do is stick your head in the sand..
All I’ve wanted to do over the past 1.5 weeks is stick my head in the sand! Yep, all I've wanted to do is totally disconnect with what is...
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Amie Rule
Jul 20, 20215 min read
Spiritual growth and removing ourselves from the spiritual bullshit...
When we refer to spirituality, we often think about terms such as growth, enlightenment, ascension, consciousness etc.
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Amie Rule
Jul 2, 20217 min read
Healing as a parent whilst raising strong & empowered kids whom we hope that we don’t f@ck up!
We’re witnessing and living proof of how generational trauma can be passed down and handed to the next generation, only for the cycle to be
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