"...And then I fell apart and it was the most beautiful moment ever, because right then, I realised, that I could put together the pieces the way that I wanted to..."
Welcome, I'm Amie​
I'm a mum to two young beautiful children, I have a degree in psychology and marketing, am an author, a constant learner and love to write, spend time with my family and friends and immerse myself in nature.
Inner Work Outer Living was created having experienced a lifetime of health issues, predominantly chronic pain and autoimmune issues.
After years and years of trying to search for answers, I discovered the impact of trauma on my overall health. For some reason, our western culture and medical industry focus on a symptomatic approach to pain, which means many of us continue never get the break through we need and desire.
As such, I created this business.
Through to my personal experiences, I have a strong passion for assisting those with chronic pain disorders, autoimmune conditions, health conditions and individual's who experience anxiety, mental health and trauma.
My speciality is not only looking at your physical symptoms but to assess the metaphysical properties, underlying your symptoms. To do this, I focus on providing a combination of natural holistic therapy in conjunction with integrated health, energy work and counselling to heal the whole body.
I also discovered how factors such as genetics and stress can be a leading cause of physical, mental and emotional pain.
My goal is to empower you to step forward in your own power to live a fulfilling life
My heart’s desire is for you to never feel that you need to carry your pain alone, nor for you to feel that there are no options available to you.
My mission is for you to disarm all the fears attached to your health and for you to become the best version of you, first for yourself and then secondary, the rest of the world.
I currently hold a Bachelor’s Degree from Swinburne University, majoring in Psychology and Marketing and have done many courses within the mental health space, within the quantum energy field and within integrated health. I have over a decade’s experience working with large global corporations as a Marketing Executive.
I have a strong passion to give back to community and for many years have focused on driving corporate social responsibility programs within her roles. I am also in the process of undertaking my postgraduate degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
I reside in Melbourne with my partner and children.
Thank you for being here and taking the time to connect.
I look forward to meeting you.
In joy